
The Friendship project

The project is aimed at 3rd and 4th of ESO students . It follows the first  and second Units of the book which are about Friends and Friendship. It is planned to last beween 1 and 2 sessions.

- Developing skills in designing English oral and written tasks through he use of IT.
- Personalize language learning.
- Extend the contents and vocabulary of the students' book.
- Elaborate a description of a friend and some life experience the students have had with him/her.

- List of adjecives to describe a good friend.
- Video and fill in the gaps.
- Short story to read and give an opinion.
- Final assignment to practise everything learnt before.

- Competence in linguistic communication.
- IT competence.
- Learning to learn.
- Auonomy and personal initiative.


Presentation of the project

Task 1. Warming up. Speaking and vocabulary.

From the adjectives below find he ones that describe a true friend. Look up the meanings of the unknown words in an online dictionary. Work in pairs to discuss your answers.
Write a comment in this blog choosing the TOP 5 adjectives that in your opinion  describe a really good friend.

List of adjectives
laid back    funny   faithful   reliable   sincere   trustworthy   responsible tolerant   outgoing   calm   warm  hearted   brave   chatty   clever   coward  friendly    generous   funny   grumpy   hard working  honest   kind  lazy  loud   lucky  mean   moody  nasty  nervous  polite  popular  quiet  rude  shy  silly  smart  stupid  vain  wise

Task 2. Reading

Read this short story and give your opinion on it. Post a comment on this blog.

Task 3. Queen - Friends will be Friends

Listen to the song and do the fill in the gaps activity

Click here to do the activity

Task 4. A presentation of your best friend

Final task: an oral presentaion of your best friend. There are two steps:
1. Choose some pictures of you and your best friend. Write a composition about him/her. Include:
-         Describe her/him/them: physical appearance, personality, likes/dislikes, favourite activities. Use some of the adjectives you have learnt in the 1st activity.
-         How long have you been friends? When and where did you meet him/her?
-         How and when do you communicate with each other? Do you  use technologies? Do you see each oher often?
-         Describe some things you have done together.
-         Imagine your future. Do you think you’ll always keep your friendship?

 2. Record your writing orally in a presentation with some pictures of you and your friend. You can use the Voicethread programme.


Useful website

Isabel Perez is a great English teacher who has attached very good material in her website.
This link will provide you with many exercices related to whatever topic you want to practise. There are songs, grammar exercices, vocabulary, listenings, and so on...
We are going to practise some of them in the class, but feel free to explore it at home.


Your writings

The most interesting compositions of the year!

Your presentations

Watch you and your friends talking and improving their oral skills!